Segment on 6PR radio during the Perth Overnight show with Jon Lewis

I was invited by Jon Lewis to do a one hour segment called ‘Dear Deisy’ on Saturday 8th March 2014. The topic of the night was on relationships and more specifically on building strong and lasting relationships. Listeners were invited to call back with comments and questions about this area of interest.

I have been invited to return for some follow up ‘Dear Deisy’ segments where I will explore and discuss a variety of relevant topics in relation to issues that people present with on a daily basis at the personal and interpersonal level. Some of these topics will focus exclusively on relationships in its various forms. The aim of the segment is to help people consider alternative, but effective ways to deal with presenting challenges and to support them in accessing suitable follow up care and support.

NB: All commentary is purely general advice & listeners to weekly segment should always seek further advice from a mental health professional if concerned with their health.

Click here to link to Jon’s Facebook page;

On 6PR with Jon Lewis

On 6PR with Jon Lewis